Time, Consumption and Everyday Life
Time, Consumption and Everyday Life
Par:Elizabeth Shove,Frank Trentmann,Richard Wilk
Publié le 2009-09-01 par Berg
Has material civilization spun out of control, becoming too fast for our own well-being and that of the planet? This book confronts these anxieties and examines the changing rhythms and temporal organization of everyday life. How do people handle hurriedness, burn-out and stress? Are slower forms of consumption viable? In case studies covering the United States, Asia and Europe, international experts follow routines and rhythms, their emotional and political dynamics and show how they are anchored in material culture and everyday practice. Running themes of the book are questions of coordination and disruption; cycles and seasons; and the interplay between power and freedom, and between material and natural forces. The result is a volume that brings studies of practice, temporality and material culture together to open up a new intellectual agenda.
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ID de livre de Time, Consumption and Everyday Life's Les livres sont xvkfzdNlf7QC, Livre écrit parElizabeth Shove,Frank Trentmann,Richard Wilkavec ETAG "FDKBya46Yuk"
Livre publié par Berg depuis 2009-09-01 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781847886248 et ISBN 10 Code est 1847886248
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Livre qui ont "256 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieSocial Science
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