Big God with Study Guide
Big God with Study Guide
Publié le 2012-06-15 par Baker Books
Faith is trust. It is a confidence in the power and goodness of God that leads us to make good decisions and allows us to surrender our lives to him. As we strive to mature spiritually and lead lives pleasing to God, we all want more faith. Hebrews 6:12 says that we are to be |imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.| One of the best ways to grow in faith is to imitate the lives of people who have shown great faith. Hebrews 11 guides us through the lives of men and women--like Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Rahab, David, and others--who have done just that. Real people with real lives and real problems, who had faith in a great God and trusted him at pivotal moments in their lives. By drawing on some of the greatest lives of faith in the Bible, readers will come to see that God was worthy of these men's and women's trust and faith during biblical times in the same way that he is worthy of ours today.
Ce livre a été classé à 15 par Google Books for mot-clé the big book of women saints.
ID de livre de Big God with Study Guide's Les livres sont XhoBBQAAQBAJ, Livre écrit parBritt Merrickavec ETAG "xFWPSI0mDSc"
Livre publié par Baker Books depuis 2012-06-15 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781441224200 et ISBN 10 Code est 1441224203
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Livre qui ont "304 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieReligion
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