Stars (Collins Gem)

Stars (Collins Gem)
Par:HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.
Publié le 2005-09-27 par Harper Paperbacks

This full color highly illustrated and engaging compact guide to stars, asteroids, meteors and comets, presents a world of possibility in your pocket. This Smithsonian Gem features individual charts for all 88 constellations of the Northern and Southern hemispheres, complete with star charts and a star atlas of the entire sky. It details the brightest stars and objects of interest which can be seen with the naked eye, binoculars and small telescopes. An ideal book for practical observation of the stars throughout the world all year round.

Ce livre a été classé à 8 par Google Books for mot-clé universe collins gem the.

ID de livre de Stars (Collins Gem)'s Les livres sont mmaHGwAACAAJ, Livre écrit parHarperCollins Publishers Ltd.avec ETAG "dfqOnsjMnPA"

Livre publié par Harper Paperbacks depuis 2005-09-27 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9780060818661 et ISBN 10 Code est 0060818662

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Livre qui ont "192 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieScience

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Stars (Collins Gem)

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